AgriMarketing Program
“Agriculture and Agri-Food ”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The AgriMarketing Program helps farmers and food processors compete in markets at home and abroad. It supports the agriculture industry by creating and maintaining access to markets and taking advantage of market opportunities.
- The AgriMarketing Program is a five-year (2013-2018), $341 million program comprising a combination of government initiatives and contribution funding for industry-led projects. Its objective is to improve the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector's competitiveness in domestic and international markets by supporting industry in gaining and maintaining access to markets and capitalizing on market opportunities.
- There are two contribution funding streams that support industry-led projects under the AgriMarketing Program: Market Development and Assurance Systems. Included in the Market Development stream is the SME component. This guide focuses on the SME component of the Market Development stream.