Agriculture Resiliency Program: Extreme Weather Preparedness Sub-Program




Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The Agriculture Resiliency Program encourages a robust and adaptable industry through proactive risk management in agriculture. The program will support initiatives that build the strength and viability of the agriculture industry, as well as initiatives that assist industry in preparing for current and future threats such as climate change and extreme weather. Supporting initiatives in producer wellness and mental health are included as an essential part of a resilient system.

Eligible Recipients

  • Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
  • Agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations;
  • Groups of agricultural producers;
  • Farm employees;
  • Organizations with a registered charity number, business number, and/or incorporated number;
  • Municipal and provincial government; and
  • Others as approved by the Producer Wellness Review Subcommittee.

Eligible Activities/Expenses

  • Organizing and delivering mental health first aid training;
  • Hiring speakers or presenters;
  • Networking and community events to promote community engagement around farmer wellness;
  • Forming community networks to improve farmer wellness;
  • Programs, educational campaigns, and initiatives to decrease isolation and promote farmer wellbeing;
  • Attendance fees for agricultural producers or agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations to attend mental health workshops or training;
  • Administrative/overhead fees (up to 10%); and
  • Other activities as approved by the Producer Wellness Review Subcommittee.

Ineligible Expenses/Activities 

• In-kind activities; 

• Academic institution overhead fees; 

• Business Risk Management-type activities; 

• Normal and on-going operating and maintenance activities, including building repairs; 

• Activities that do not provide a direct benefit to the Sector;

 • Activities related to aquaponic food production, or to aquaculture, seaweed, fish and seafood production and processing (except international marketing and traceability activities for fish and seafood); 

• Activities which provide tax credits or rebates; and • Development and enforcement of regulations. Funding • 75% of infrastructure assessment and retrofit design details by professional engineers to a maximum of $7,500; 

• 50% of eligible expenses to implement eligible activities to increase farm resilience to extreme weather risks, up to $40,000 per project; and 

• The maximum total contribution per recipient for the Extreme Weather Preparedness Sub-Program over the life of the Sustainable CAP Framework Agreement (2023-2028) is $75,000.


Stream 1: Extreme Wind Preparedness (Infrastructure Retrofits) 

Activity Eligible Activities/Expenses Ineligible Activities/Expenses Other Requirements Farm Buildings (excluding tarp barns) Part 1: Infrastructure Assessment Infrastructure assessments of agricultural buildings with low human occupancy2 by professional engineers licensed to work on PEI, resulting in a recommendations report highlighting potential project activities to improve extreme wind preparedness. See Appendix A for recommended Scope of Work for infrastructure assessments Part 2: Implementation of recommended project activities from an infrastructure assessment, including but not limited to: • Structural bracing (install additional bracing to strengthen building frame); • Hurricane straps or ties (metal straps to secure the roof to the walls & prevent uplift); • Impact resistant windows & doors (upgrade openings to withstand high winds and debris); • Concrete anchors (secure structure to the foundation to prevent it from shifting during storms); • Storm shutters (install shutters or plywood covers to protect windows and doors); • Contracted services for implementing retrofits and reinforcements; and • Other requests may be considered on an individual basis. • Activities that are part of a new building construction project; • Any work that are not directly related to increasing extreme wind preparedness of farm infrastructure; • Replacing coverings for tarp barn structures, greenhouses or polytunnels; • Project activities for high human occupancy buildings3 ; and • Ongoing building maintenance or repairs that are considered normal operations. • Premises ID for livestock enterprises; • Buildings must be insured against insurable perils, and a current copy of the insurance policy must be submitted; • Project activities for building retrofits need to be identified through an infrastructure assessment by any PEI Licensed to Practice Professional Engineer with structural experience (does not apply to tarp barns or greenhouses/polytunnels). Please contact the Department of Agriculture if more information is required; • A post-project verification of the work completed needs to be submitted by the contracted engineering firm or the applicant at claiming; and • Building must not be in derelict condition, as defined by the consulting engineer. If there are critical structural flaws or needed repairs that will not be addressed by the applicant, the building may not be eligible for program support for project activities to increase wind resistance. Tarp Barns, Grain Bins, Perennial Crop Trellis Systems, Green Houses and Polytunnels • Upgrading and retrofitting tarp barns to increase resistance to wind, including, but not limited to installing additional bracing (purlins), rails, steel posts (to replace wooden), cables and additional anchoring. • Retrofitting and reinforcing grain bins: reinforcing lids and doors, adding stiffened channels and bracing, and improving anchoring. • Retrofitting and reinforcing perennial crop trellis systems to meet the “Recommended Minimum Standards for Wind Resilient Trellis Design Guide.” The Design Guide can be found at: d_wind_resilient_trellis.pdf • Retrofitting and reinforcing greenhouses and polytunnels against high winds, including, but not limited to improving anchoring, adding cross bracing, collar ties, extra hoops, rails, high-quality film/plastic for double covers, and foot supports. NOTE: Strategically placed hedgerows and shelterbelts around farm infrastructure can help mitigate risk of damage from extreme winds. 


Stream 2: Extreme Heat Preparedness Activity:

 Eligible Activities/Expenses Ineligible Activities/Expenses Other Requirements Shade for Outdoor Livestock • Construction or purchase of portable livestock shade structures for livestock on pasture; and • Purchase and planting costs for new shade trees, including tree guards and livestock fencing. • Shelter or tree plantings to benefit non-commercial livestock (livestock not used to generate declared farm income); • Fixed, non-portable buildings; and • Coniferous or invasive species. For shade trees: • Planting plan that includes a site map with information on tree species and location, tree density and total planted area; • Trees must be climatically adapted deciduous species; • Trees must be protected with fencing or tree guards to prevent livestock browsing or rubbing; and • Maximum tree caliper of 1”. The program will support tree purchases to a maximum of $40/tree. • Please note: Smaller trees and saplings often establish easier and grow faster than larger, more expensive trees. Enhanced Livestock Watering • Installation of additional or upgraded watering infrastructure to supply cool fresh water at more locations in livestock housing or in pastures, addressing the needs of higher water demand due to heat. • New waterers where there were no pre-existing livestock. • Premises Identification Number. Heat Protection for Harvested Horticultural Crops • Modifications to farm vehicles (such as flatbed trucks or trailers) to add roof and curtain walls for shading for harvested crops; • Addition of roll tarp reflective covers to farm trailers/wagons or harvest equipment to shade harvested crops; and • Reusable reflective tarps to cover harvested crop bins, totes, or lugs. • Refrigerated storage of harvested crop

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