Agriculture Resiliency - Producer Wellness Sub-Program
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
Farmers face significant challenges in their work, such as extreme weather events and market volatility. This is compounded by difficult working conditions that involve long hours, isolated conditions, and a high risk of occupational injury. Farmers also face personal and institutional barriers in accessing mental health services to address these challenges. The Producer Wellness Sub-Program will support producer wellness initiatives.
The Agriculture Resiliency Program encourages a robust and adaptable industry through proactive risk management in agriculture. The program will support initiatives that build the strength and viability of the agriculture industry, as well as initiatives that assist industry in preparing for current and future threats such as climate change and extreme weather. Supporting initiatives in producer wellness and mental health are included as an essential part of a resilient system.
Eligible Recipients
- Mi’kmaq First Nations and other Indigenous groups;
- Agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations;
- Groups of agricultural producers;
- Farm employees;
- Organizations with a registered charity number, business number, and/or incorporated number;
- Municipal and provincial government; and
- Others as approved by the Producer Wellness Review Subcommittee.
Eligible Activities/Expenses
- Organizing and delivering mental health first aid training;
- Hiring speakers or presenters;
- Networking and community events to promote community engagement around farmer wellness;
- Forming community networks to improve farmer wellness;
- Programs, educational campaigns, and initiatives to decrease isolation and promote farmer wellbeing;
- Attendance fees for agricultural producers or agriculture industry organizations, clubs and associations to attend mental health workshops or training;
- Administrative/overhead fees (up to 10%); and
- Other activities as approved by the Producer Wellness Review Subcommittee.
• 100% funding to a maximum of $7,500 per project.
• Funding distribution is installment-based: 50% upfront, and 50% upon completion of project.
• Maximum funding will be adjudicated by the Agriculture Resiliency Program Review Committee based on the expected outcomes.