Agricultural Climate Solutions Program

“Agriculture and Agri-Food ”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant, Repayable Contribution

Fund Type

The goal of the Agricultural Climate Solutions Program (ACS) is to accelerate co-development, testing, adoption, dissemination and monitoring of technologies and practices, including beneficial management practices (BMPs), that sequester carbon and/or mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Through a collaborative approach, projects will focus on the on-farm co-development, testing, adoption and monitoring of new BMPs and technologies. Projects funded under ACS will follow the living lab innovation model. A living lab is an integrated approach to agricultural innovation that brings together farmers, scientists, and other participants to co-develop, test, and monitor new BMPs and technologies in a real-life context where they will be used: on Canadian farms. More information about the living lab model and its core principles can be found in the Living Laboratories Initiative.

The aim of the 2021 grant funding is to facilitate establishing a Canada-wide network of living labs. Eligible organizations in all provinces are welcome to submit their applications for 2021 grant funding to support the preparation of proposals leading to the development of living labs in their province

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