Agri-Industry Development & Advancement. Market and Product Development (NB)

“New Brunswick. Agriculture, Aquaculture and Fisheries”


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Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

To support the New Brunswick agricultural industry in efforts to sustain, develop and/or expand markets, both domestic and international, by providing financial assistance for the tools, strategic infrastructure, innovative technologies, and resources needed to improve the agricultural industry’s competitiveness, profitability, and sustainability.

  • To provides eligible applicants with assistance in hiring consultants/professional services to conduct market research studies and reports to determine market readiness; to provides assistance to eligible applicants in order to help them acquire specialized knowledge or undertake in-house technical training programs related to the development of a new product, or training for better understanding/updating of nutrition labeling/health claim requirements. Also provides assistance with specialized product testing to validate market readiness, and/or the nutritional analysis of product. Assistance for the design and development of nutritional or specialty labels/packaging, and/or the purchase of equipment to package and label new products are also eligible activities.
  • To provide support to eligible applicants, focusing on the marketing of primary or primary value-added agri-food products. The objective is to undertake activities, including trade missions, trade shows, product showcasing, business to business conferences, and other promotional events in export markets outside of the Maritime Provinces. This may include copromotion activities with other New Brunswick export marketing efforts. Activities funded under this program must be strategic to the growth of the applicant’s exports; to provides assistance to eligible applicants for costs related to the design and creative services of promotional materials, including road signs, the design costs of a new website, updates to an existing website, a social media marketing campaign, or the creation of a social media presence in order to improve online marketing. Also provides assistance for costs associated with in-store culinary demos or sampling (product costs only).
  • To provides assistance to eligible farmer’s markets for electricity and plumbing upgrades to their facilities. Also provides assistance to eligible producers for the purchase of display coolers and freezers in order to meet health and safety requirements while selling at a farmer’s market; to support commercial agri-food business expansion by offering an agritourism experience. To promote the use of, and increase awareness of, New Brunswick agri-food products by holding an organized meal or fundraising activity where the proceeds are donated to benefit an identified need within a New Brunswick community. Such events could include: fundraising in support of food banks, community or school garden projects, families with medical needs, or youth groups. To provide assistance to organizations and schools to purchase New Brunswick agri-food products in support of fundraising events and to promote awareness of local products. Finally, to strengthen linkages between New Brunswick food producers and consumers through their use in fundraising initiatives; to facilitate the establishment of new marketing groups and to provide assistance to help existing marketing groups undertake new marketing initiatives.

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