Affordable Rental Housing Program

“New Brunswick. Social Development”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Provides financial assistance to private entrepreneurs, private non-profit corporations (includes off-reserve Indigenous population), and co-operatives for the construction, rehabilitation, and conversion of rental housing projects.

Assistance is in the form of a forgivable loan and is based on the cost of eligible work and the number of eligible self-contained units or bed units within a project. The maximum forgivable contribution for projects sponsored by non-profit groups is up to $70,000 per unit and may include 100% of the units within a project. Private entrepreneurs are eligible for a maximum forgivable contribution of up to $60,000 per unit, limited to no more than 50% of the total units within a project. Borrowers will enter into a Mortgage Agreement with this department to ensure that units remain affordable to low and moderate income households.

Interest free personal development funding loans are provided to assist eligible non-profit & co-operative sponsors of projects to carry out the activities required to develop a project proposal to the point where a commitment of assistance can be made.

Where situations warrant rental subsidies (Rent Supplements) may be provided to ensure units are affordable to low-income households. Tenants qualifying for assistance through the Rent Supplement Program will have their rents reduced to 30% of the adjusted household income. Landlords will receive the difference between the rent paid by the tenant and the market rent agreed to under a rental agreement.

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