Adaptation, Resilience, and Disaster Mitigation (ARDM) program
“British Columbia. Public Safety and Emergency Services”
Maximum Eligible Amount
Government Grant
Fund Type
The Adaptation, Resilience & Disaster Mitigation (ARDM) program will fund flood mitigation infrastructure projects for a value of up to ten-million dollars ($10,000,000) that will support an increase in structural capacity and/or increased natural capacity to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts, natural disasters and/or extreme weather events with the intent of reducing, or even negating, the effects of flooding.
The program will target primarily public infrastructure, which is defined as “tangible capital assets in British Columbia primarily for public use and/or benefit”. Natural Infrastructure means the use of naturally occurring resources or the engineered use of natural resources to provide adaptation or mitigation services to the gradual and/or sudden impacts of climate change or natural hazards.