Accessible Canada

“Employment and Social Development (ESDC)”



Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

The objectives of the National AccessAbility Week 2024 Call for Proposals are to provide funding to organizations that will increase awareness through National AccessAbility Week (NAAW) activities that:

  • improve understanding and knowledge of Canadians on accessibility and disability inclusion
  • reduce stigma and attitudinal barriers towards persons with disabilities
  • share best practices and lessons learned related to NAAW activities within the disability community

The objective of this CFP is to provide funding to organizations that aim to:

  1. build capacity within the disability community to continue to engage on the implementation of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and its regulations. This will include:
    • enhancing leadership by the Canadian disability community to participate in the implementation of the Accessible Canada Act (ACA) and its regulations, and to contribute to accessibility policy and programming
    • mobilizing and sharing knowledge within the disability community by building evidence through evaluation of projects developed by the disability community
  2. foster multi-sectoral and diverse partnerships to support innovation in accessibility, including:
    • joining diverse partners from the disability community and federally and non-federally regulated sectors (such as banking, education, health care) to support projects that lead to more accessible/inclusively-designed environments, spaces, programs and services within federally regulated and non-federally regulated entities
    • enabling expansion of the reach of projects that have positive results to more persons within the disability and other communities as well as other settings such as workplaces
    • promoting approaches (such as designing and developing inclusive spaces, services and programs that can be integrated into workplaces, educational, health and other settings) that aim to affect long-term, system-wide change, which can be sustained beyond federal funding

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