AB | Multiculturalism and anti-racism grant




Maximum Eligible Amount

Government Grant

Fund Type

Alberta’s Multiculturalism and Anti-Racism Grant Program is intended to support community initiatives to increase cultural and cross-cultural awareness, and to educate Albertans to prevent and address racism.

The program promotes education and awareness about multiculturalism and anti-racism. The program funds are not designed to address access to affordable housing, job opportunities or healthcare. Rather, the funds are intended to educate about systemic racism in Alberta.

Supporting community organizations empowers them to have a voice in determining solutions. Grants distributed through the program allow organizations to educate Albertans about multiculturalism and anti-racism through community-led initiatives.

Alberta’s Anti-Racism Grant Program is intended to support community organizations in Alberta to implement initiatives that combat discrimination and address systemic racism by providing funding for projects that increase public education and enable Albertans to recognize and value cultural differences and heritage.

The program funds are not designed to address access to affordable housing, job opportunities or healthcare. Rather, the funds are intended to educate about the impacts of discrimination and racism faced by Indigenous and racialized groups and enable community organizations to develop their ability to support anti-racism projects.

The program will also support smaller grassroots Indigenous or ethnocultural groups to deliver programs and services through partnerships with larger organizations.

In the first intake of 2023, more than 140 applications were received with 50 projects being awarded grants.

Funding streams

The program supports initiatives that help prevent and address racism. There are 2 funding streams.

Stream 1

Projects for grant funding must align with at least one of the identified outcomes listed under either of the program objectives.

Stream 2

Projects for grant funding must align with at least one of the identified outcomes listed under both of the program objectives.

Applicants may request up to $5,000 maximum for projects under Stream 1 and up to $10,000 maximum for projects under Stream 2.

Projects submitted for funding must meet one or more of the following program outcomes:

Program objectives

Objective 1

Educate Albertans on racism and the impacts of racism faced by Indigenous and racialized groups:

  • Albertans have an increased understanding of racism, its impacts and the challenges faced by Indigenous and racialized groups.
  • Albertans have increased knowledge to identify racism and how to address racism and racist acts.
  • Albertans have increased awareness of the resources and tools that organizations provide to support anti-racism initiatives.

Objective 2

Enable community organizations to develop their ability to support anti-racism projects:

  • Racialized communities have support to fully participate in the community.
    • Examples are training and employment, mentorship programs for internationally trained professionals, support or education for marginalized communities to navigate supports.
  • Racialized communities have capacity to continue open and honest conversations about racism, microaggressions and promoting awareness about their impact.


  • Organizations must be based in Alberta and be a non-profit organization; or Indigenous government, tribal council, band council, settlement or not-for-profit Indigenous organization.
  • Applicants who are currently receiving other grants or funding from the Government of Alberta must be up-to-date on all required reporting to be considered.
  • Universities, colleges, or institutes, as defined under Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act; for-profit organizations; and arms-length municipal or municipal district affiliated organizations may apply in partnership with an Indigenous or ethnocultural organization.
  • Organizations must have a clear understanding of the project they want to undertake and how it will contribute to the goals of the grant program.
  • Organizations must have a clear budget and timeline for their project. The project must start on or after April 1, 2025, and be completed March 31, 2026.
  • Organizations must demonstrate that they have the capacity to undertake the project.

Before you apply

Here are some resources that will be helpful for your application:

Grant information sessions

Register for live webinar sessions.

Table 1. Anti-Racism Grant information session dates and registration links.

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